Pia Parolin

Bio Born and raised in Italy, I studied biology in Germany and worked and lived in the Brazilian Amazon. In addition to my passion for tropical ecology, photography played a major role in my life since early childhood. Initially, I used my analog camera to capture special private moments on my travels. In the meantime, however, I developed into a street photographer, an artist and book author. After two books that I wrote alone (“Flow: photography for happiness”* and “Develop your photography”*), I teamed up with two of the most renowned German street photographers for the next two titles. “With Open Eyes”* was a co-production with Siegfried Hansen. For “Next Level Streetfotografie”* I teamed up with Martin U Waltz. My conceptual emphasis lies on the connection between my two works: biological research and photography, with the special focus on water after decades of research in the Amazon basin. My fun photography is linked to street photography using strong contrasts and enjoying colours.